A collective challenge.
In France, about 30 billion cigarettes are consumed every year, and it's estimated that nearly 40% of cigarette butts, approximately 81 million per day, are discarded in nature. So, how can the Champs d'Action 31 association encourage the people of Toulouse to be more responsible? By launching them a challenge, of course!

Creating an event to inspire engagement
Champs d’Action 31 is an association focused on combating wild waste and preserving the environment. It mobilizes citizens through concrete actions such as waste collection, awareness campaigns, and educational workshops. For many years, the association has participated in festivals to encourage smokers not to throw their cigarette butts anywhere! With the same goal of raising awareness for better education.

Pick up your cigarette butt, a rallying cry for the collective good
To embody the association's commitment to environmental protection, we created an event brand: “Pick up your cigarette butt”, which will spearhead their awareness campaign at major events in the region, as well as serve as an annual butt collection initiative.